New Review on the Relations Among Words, Image and Meaning& Explanation From the Thought of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein's Linguistic Philosophy 言、象、意关系新论&从海德格尔与维特根斯坦语言哲学思想解读
The author was enlighten by the Martin Heidegger s theory about "The poetical inhabitation", commence from the relation between the human being inhabited environment and the status of exist. 海德格尔诗学是当下人类魂灵救赎的武库,它从建筑、生态和审美三个维度所揭示的“人诗意地栖居”思想是海德格尔所倡求的人的生存论主题。
Martin Heidegger, the existentialist philosopher, has explored the origin and essence of modem technology from the perspective of ontological significance of existence. 存在主义哲学家海德格尔从存在的本体论意义出发探究了现代技术的根源和本质。
In an attempt to go beyond Husserl's essentialist approach, his pupil Martin Heidegger posited an existential theory of hermeneutics in Being and Time. 为了超越胡塞尔的实在论性质的方法,他的学生海德格尔在他的《存在与时间》里提出了一种存在主义的解释理论。
The modern and highly influential German metaphysician Martin Heidegger maintained that the FQP is the only genuine philosophical question. 现代极具影响的德国形而上学思想家马丁。海德格尔认为,哲学基本问题是唯一真正的哲学问题。
German existentialist philosopher Martin Heidegger said: "Human beings are full of labor achievements, but also as the land of poetry as a living." 德国存在主义哲学家海德格尔说:“人类充满劳绩,但还诗意地安居于大地之上。”
This influences Martin Heidegger deeply. 这对海德格尔影响至深。
This was criticized by Martin Heidegger as forgetting Being. 这被海德格尔指责为对存在的遗忘。
As the greatest philosopher in the 20 th century, Martin Heidegger is considered to be the forerunner of the postmodernism. 作为二十世纪最伟大的哲人,海德格尔被公认为后现代主义思潮的先驱者。
German thinker Martin Heidegger finds although art exits as a specific writing of "an element of physical substance" in some degree, art in essence is not a physical substance. 德国思想家海德格尔发现:艺术虽然在一般意义上体现为具有物因素的具体作品,但艺术在根本上并不是物品。
In order to show the original question of Sein, Martin Heidegger used means of phenomenology. 为了使存在问题原初地展示出来,他借助了现象学的方法。
The Destiny of Western Metaphysics-A Critique of Martin Heidegger's Critique of Aristotle 西方形而上学的命运&对海德格尔的亚里士多德批评的批评
After Martin Heidegger has narrated that technology is going in an anti-modernity way, the representative figures of post-modernism philosophy also rethought philosophically the technology from their own academic viewpoints. 继海德格尔对技术进行“反”现代的叙事之后,后现代主义哲学的代表人物也从各自的理论视角和学术范式对技术进行了“后现代”的哲学反思。
Lao Zhuang and Martin Heidegger are remarkable thinkers in oriental and western history of philosophy. 老庄和海德格尔是中国和西方哲学史上两位十分出色的思想家。
The thinking about technology by Martin Heidegger sets an example for us with regard to this matter. 在这个方面,海德格尔对技术的讨论为我们提供了榜样。
However, "Where there is a danger, there is a rescue," said Martin Heidegger citing the line of Holderlin. 海德格尔引用荷尔德林的诗句&但哪里有危险,哪里也生救渡。
But as Martin Heidegger said, each of the living could not escape death, this article analyzed death from the perspective of religion, philosophy, ethics. 但正如海德格尔所说,每个活着的人都无法逃避死亡,文章从宗教、哲学、伦理等角度分析他们各自对死亡的阐释。
Some existentialist theories of Jean-Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger are applied to the analysis of the death images in order to explain psychological changes of the protagonist of the novel. 针对小说中的死亡意象,运用让-保罗·萨特和马丁·海德格尔的存在主义相关理论来解析小说主人公的心理变化过程,为解决种族关系找出一条可行之路。
Martin Heidegger is a famous humanistic philosopher in Germany in the twentieth century. 马丁·海德格尔,20世纪德国著名人本主义哲学家。